
The period of transition from being a couple to becoming a new family can be a wonderful time, but it presents a big learning curve. This means that is is also the highest risk time for the onset of problems that include things like relationship breakdown, problematic drug and alcohol use, family violence, and the onset of mental illness (usually, but not limited to, post-natal depression in men and women).

What the Family?! is a training program based on Just Families research completed by drummond street services in 2012, designed to assist in the early identification of risk factors for family violence.

You can download the WTFamily?! App from the app store or Google Play. The app provides a series of questions and tip sheets to help you decide whether your relationship is likely to experience violence.

drummond street services has also created a series of training tools to assist in identifying common risk factors and ways for frontline workers to help prevent family violence.

Download some of our tip sheets here: